Satan is powerful ya'll. I promise you he knows more about you than you know about yourself. Any weakness he will exploit. Any crack in your life he will make worse. Just picture your life as a little crack in glass. If that crack goes untreated it will become worse and worse. The best way to stop a crack from becoming worse is to nip it in the bud.
Unfortunately, our life isn't that simple. It's interesting how we are all coded. We all sin differently. We are all born with natural weaknesses. For example, my buddy can drink as much alcholol as he wants and not technically be an addict, but if I get a whiff of it, I can't control my inhibitations (This was only an example, not true for myself).
The interesting part is that by the time we hit our college years, most of us have discovered our weakness. But here's the kicker, our weaknesses, although are bad for us spiriutally, are the things that make us feel the best; they give us the in-the-moment-high. Unforutntely the things that typically make you the happiest short term, are usually the worst for you long term. It's like when Paul said in Romans,
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." (Romans 7:15)
And these are the things that the Adversary uses. It annoys me how much the Devil knows me. He makes the argument in your head that he is your friend. That God has all these restrictions to kill your fun. He places lies in your head that tell you that you aren't good enough. That you aren't pretty enough, that you all around suck! It's a sad but true reality that sometimes he wins. There are those nights, those days that the lies placed in mine head feel like a reality. It's at those moments where I, the creation, begin questioning the Creator. Who the heck am I? Or even worse, I get angry at God for the itrocious things that happen in my life or in the world in general. I start to blame God for 9/11 or the Natural Disasters that hit the earth or Sandy Hove Elementary School.
I am by no means claiming to know why bad things happen to bad people. But I do know this, evil and God are complete opposites. Maybe if we spent as much energy combating Satan as we do God we would become much stronger. Maybe if we refocused (I love that word) our attention on the positive things in life rather than When the World is going to end we would become much more powerful. Maybe if we strapped on our armor and shield and realized who the REAL enemy was we wouldn't be as miserable as we are.
But nooo, of course not. That's too practical.
Yes, I'm angry. I have a very focused anger pointed to the Devil. No, not a red thing with horns onto of his head. Nooo, I'm talking about a Fallen Angel. An angel that wanted to be greater than God and has been continuously trying by making our lives miserable (by making it feel good). (2 Corth. 11:5-15)
I say this phrase alot, but my brothers and sisters, we are at a War. I was listening to the song called Mr. Pretender by KB who is a Christian Rapper. That song opened mine eyes. I've heard the song a bunch of times, but I only recently looked at the lyrics. It's amazing how many times you can hear a song and not completly understand it. But this song basically talks about the Pretender (Satan), and the verses are what he's saying to us. Now I may not agree with everything KB says, but the point is soo crystal clear. No matter what we do, Mr. Pretender will just keep calling us. The times where we feel the safest, we are actually the most vulnerable. The times we feel the most secure are actually the times we are in the most insecure.
That's why I'm proclaiming a RED ALERT. All hands on deck! We need to believe that Jesus conquered Death by dying on the cross, ascended into Sheol and was Resurrected. When it all comes down to it, we have the Victory. We just have to try to keep straight. We will all fail. We will all fall, we have all fallen. But gotta get back up! We just have to believe: "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1) We don't know when the Lord is coming back. Most of us have never seen his face to know that he exists But I have Faith in the Lord.
My Hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' Blood and Righteousness
On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
All Other Ground is sinking sand
Our best bet is to build our foundation on the solid rock and to be aware. Be aware of Mr. Pretender. Be aware of Da Liar. As a matter of fact, I'm going to post the rap at the end of this blog. I warn you again that it's Rap, but it's Christian Rap.
Be on Alert People!
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