Hey everyone,
I realize people are reading my blog and you may not know exactly who I am. So here's a spot to talk a little bit about myself and my life. First off, my name is Michael. I am a recent graduate of Messiah College where I was a history major with an American History Concentration.
I'm a young, single, African-American male. I've made my mistakes in my past but I'm redeemed. I'm a sinner, but I'm redeemed.
The most important thing to me is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is amazing what He did just for me and I try to live my life showing Jesus' love to everyone. I try not to take the death and resurrection for granted, but I fall quite frequently. Fortunately for me, God continues to forgive me no matter what I do. His love and grace is unconditional.
Due to my love of Christ, I love talking about Him. I love to witness to people my testimony on how I was down and out, how I was doing stupid things but Christ saved me. I am a changed young man because of what Jesus did. The best revelation of my life is the recognition of what Jesus did. What Jesus did for me, he can do for you!
Other than Christ, my family is the second most important thing to me. I love my family more than they will ever know (even though I don't always act like it unfortunately). I hope they know that I am there for them and care about them. They are frequently on my mind and prayers.
My friends have been an anchor that held me above water. Before I went to college, I really didn't have any strong Christian friends. But, thanks to Messiah College, I have found a plethora of Brothers and Sisters in Christ. That, and the discovery of a friend from home being a Christian has really changed my life and added to my support/venting system. I love every single one of my friends!
Most of my life I was planning on being a Criminal Defense Lawyer. I wanted to help those that got themselves in sticky situations. I wanted to make sure that the punishment fit the crime and nothing else. That was my goal in life. However God had other plans. He wanted me to go in the Ministry. In December 2011, I realized that fully and I accept that calling in my life. Ever since then my life has changed which served as an affirmation of the decision. Now I'm on fire for Jesus 24/7!
The main purpose of this blog is directed towards Christians. I'm here to help and encourage believers who may be going through issues as I do on a daily basis. I understand that NOTHING is more powerful than your testimony, so I really use that to my advantage. Everything happens for a reason, and I can use my mistakes, my errors to maybe help someone else. That's the best thing I can do. Of course I would love for unbelievers to read this blog, but for the most part, its catered to believers.
Other small things is do include: golfing, Karate, some video games, sports in general, and I used direct choirs which I did for 3 years. It's one my biggest passions because I feel at the pinnacle of my worship experience when I am directing. Currently I am directing my church's Gospel Choir but who knows where else I'm going to go. Who knows where else God is going to lead me.
Well if you've made it this far, Congratz! Now you know a little more about me. If you want to ask me a question about Jesus, about my faith, just shoot me an email at mjablowout@aol.com. I'm willing to answer anything about my faith! I love the Lord and I love people. I hope you enjoy reading/contemplating my thoughts. You can disagree with everything I say and I'll still love you. If you do disagree however, shoot me a comment or an email and tell me why. I'd love to hear your opinion.
Last Updated 11/12
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