There's a biblical axiom that I surround my faith around. (Well actually there are many axiom but, for this case there's one in particular.)
Every Paul needs a Timothy and every Timothy needs a Paul.
Or if you want to be gender pleasing, every Paul (or Paulina) needs a Timothy (or Timotheia) and every Timotheia (or Timothy) needs a Paul (or Paulina).
What does that mean? I mean I kinda know that Paul was a great man. I've heard that he was a thing called an Apsotle and wrote letters to churches. But who the heck is Timothy? he the same Timothy in the bible. in 1 Timothy & 2 Timothy??
Why yes, yes he is. You sir, deserve a cookie! But Timothy is more than a book in the bible. He was Paul mentee. He was the person that Paul sowed into. He met Timothy while he was a young age in Act 16:1-3 and taught him. And then eventually sent him out into the world to start his own church. But, Paul didn't leave good ol' Timmy alone. He checked up on him as often as he could through at least 2 letters. These letters are affectionately known as 1st and 2nd Timothy.
It's important to highlight here that Paul, like Jesus, recognized that we are put on this earth for a reason. One of the reasons is to speak life into others, especially those younger than us. There are two things that are necessary for this occurrence to happen. Firstly there has to be a willing "Paul," a man or woman that is willing to share their knowledge with someone. And there has to be a willing "Timothy," a person willing and eager to learn.
Any well rounded Christian has the capability to be both a Paul and a Timothy. I don't care how old you are, there is always someone watching you and you are always watching someone else. It's about having the right attitude.
For me, I've been more than blessed with Pauls in my life. Some of them have come seemingly for a season and some can happen a lifetime but I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that I am who I am because of them. If it wasn't for their lecturing and constant perstering and prodding I just wouldn't be me. I need to personally thank them for speaking life into my heart sometimes when I've felt like giving up (and they might not even know that they have). It means a heck of a lot that they even dedicated 5 minutes to me because they just didn't have to. I'm not going to give full names, but they know who they are!
Rev. Dr. Byrd, I wanna thank you for continuing to press on me for my calling in this life to be a minister of the gospel. I don't know when and I really don't know how, but you have kept the Word of the Lord in my life.
Mr. Frank, who would've thought that the man that I met in High School, whom I at times had an issue with would become someone I could call a mentor and a friend. You have influenced me in more ways that one which is including but not limited to my trek to Messiah College where I became a History Major!
Now that I'm at Messiah, I might as well mention Dr. Fea. I had no idea that you would've helped me in the ways that you have. I never thought I would get this close to a History professor let alone an intimidating giant such as yourself!
Staying at Messiah I have to mention Dr. T! This man has literally been like a second father to me. We've hit every topic from music (most importantly) to relationships to ministry. I wouldn't have survived my last two years with you!
If it wasn't for Dr. T, I wouldn't have met Pastor Woody. Even though are time was relatively brief you have sown sooo much into me. I just want to thank you for that and hopefully we can do a better job at staying in contact.
DKP, you have sown into me like no other Lawyer have. This journey in my life is a new one for me but I am glad that you are willing to embark on it along with moi.
Finally, Min. Tucker. Yes, you aren't that much older than me but you have spoken life in me from time and time again! I am proud to call you my real brother and I love that despite the difference, we've kept in touch with each other.
Well, that's it! I'm sorry this was soo long haha but I had to get out my sense of gratitude. On a final note, I do realize that I have a bunch of Timothys and no Timotheias but that's ok. I grew up in a household of mostly older women so I have PLENTY of those to hold me accountable! :)
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