“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
For me, that not knowing thing is a huuuge issue because I'm the type of person that likes to be kept in the loop; I'm a planner. Realizing the validity of Isaiah is an extremely hard thing but at the same time it's refreshing. Knowing that I don't have to do everything, knowing that I don't have to plan everything is a releasing thing. I don't have to be perfect.
So when I don't understand, I just trust. When trouble comes I keep going, I persevere. It drives me absolutely nuts because I really don't know what my future holds but there is one thing I know for sure: as long as I am continually praying to God, and reading his Word, I can't fail! The closer I get to my calling in my life, the harder it's going to become. But when you persevere and endure, the fruit is your character. And after you're character is formed, you find hope.
Without hope, we, as Christians are nothing. We have hope that everything is alright. We have hope that God's ways are greater than our ways! Just gotta keep on believin and hopin when things are bleak! We can do this! We can endure! We can trust God! It's true that sometimes you just don't know why God does what he does. But I'm here to tell you that that's alright! That's how it should be. Keep on Trusting God.
Oh and by the way, Check out Romans 5:3-5
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