Sunday, July 29, 2012

"No Condemnation"

I'm reading a book along with my pastor as part of my spiritual development called: "A Good and Beautiful God."  In this book, the author addresses talks about the different aspects of God and how we, as a culture have produced false narratives.  The author's task is to combat those false narratives with biblical references.  Along with the practical theological arguments, there are exercises called "Spiritual Disciplines" which are every day tasks which can get us closer to understanding and gaining knowledge of God.  Some of those disciplines are just practical.  A lot of them have to do with our workaholic culture where we always have to be busy and the author is just challenging the readers to slow down.  To be still "and know I am God" type of thing.

Welllll, I've recently gotten finished reading a chapter entitled: "God is self-sacrificing"  Where is addresses the fact that Jesus died the most humiliating death known to man at that time and for what?  To save us!  The question arises whether or not it really needed to be done.  Why couldn't God just snap his fingers and humanity be saved?  Nowww that question may be answered in another blog post, but for this one I have an entirely different agenda.

Moving the end of this chapter, the Spiritual Discipline that the author challenged me to do was to read the entire book of John in 3 days.  Now, I have to admit, I failed that challenge.  I only got half-way through the book because I, like every other American, fail to make time for God.  But, reading through the first 12 or so chapters of John I came across something that Jesus repeatedly said: I came not to condemn the world, but save it (or some variation of that).  He said that repeatedly (I'm too lazy to count the exact amount).  The importance of it is that he kept hitting that hammer on the nail for emphasis.

I mean what does condemnation mean?  According to the KJV Bible Dictionary, it means: "to prononunce to be utterly wrong; to utter a sense of disapprobation against; to censure; to blame..."  Sooo, you are telling me, that the Lamb of God.  The one that did no evil.  That had no blemishes on his coat.  The one that DIED for a wicked humanity.  The one that would have every right in the world to comdemn and to judge, didn't come to condemn us.  He came so that the blind would see. He came so that the sick would be healed.  He came so that they that didn't believe, believed.

Wow, that just hit me.  I always hear the phrase (which 2Pac is always quoted saying): "Only God can judge me."  And I gotta be honest, I'm always quoting that phrase because honestly, who wants to be judged?  Especially if you are being judged by another sinner!  Buttttt reading/listening to the book of John, I've come to realize that Jesus doesn't WANT to condemn us.  He's not here to look down on us. He wants all of us to be saved.  He wants all of us to not hurt.  He wants ALL of us to be Loved!

I mean seriouslyyyy!  Jesus....the ONE that literally has every right to look down at us, the fallen creation, humbled himself, was known as the meek one and still didn't condemn us.  People ask me why is there a Hell.  If God loved us so much, why does Hell exist.  Well let me tell you something, God doesn't send people to Hell per say.  People send people to Hell.   The decisions we make, the most important decision we make of whether or not we allow the Gospel to enter into our hearts and penetrate our souls...That's what sends people to Hell. 

Once you fully believe in the Gospel and the Holy Ghost dwells in you, you aren't going to Hell.  Hell isn't a punishment.  Hell is a choice!  I'm not here to condemn anyone.  I'm here to love everyone.  I'm not here to judge anyone.  I'm here to understand everyone!  For we ALL have sinned and fall short to the Glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, Jesus. ~ Romans 8:1

Praise the Lord!  Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins.  For dying FOR ME.  This is something I'll never understand.  I'll never comprehend the vastness of what you did.  But all I can say is: I'm glad you did.

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