Those..are nasty little things. When you have those two little words circling around in your head you are major league screwed.Is that the only thing holding you back? Despite that fear and doubt of the unknown, do you still have this burning desire to do something?? Now hold on, I'm not JUST talking about those major life decisions like "I'm gonna go to Africa for the next few years" or "I'm going to get married!!" I'm talking about those "minor" decisions as well. The, "should I ask her out on a date" or "should I call her." To name a few...oh wait...those are the ones that CONSTANTLY FLOAT THROUGH MY HEAD!
Once again...I digress...ok, but seriously. It's the little things in life that makes the most changes in our lives. Its those things that we tend (consciously) to pay the least attention to, that in the long run matter the most to us. It's those everyday decisions that shape us. Why? Because we do them...everyday!
So, what has been placed on you heart today? What are you running from? What are you fearful about? What do you have doubts about? If it's on your heart, and the biggest thing holding you back in the unknown, I say go for it! But, I'm not justing saying that! The Bible says that as well! Proverbs 16:9 says:
"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."
Has there been something that was placed on your heart (by the Lord) and out of nowhere a door opened and you had a chance to walk through it??...And you didn't ask the girl out...you didn't take the promotion...you didn't move to Africa because of those two pesky words? The Word is clear: "the Lord establishes their steps." If a door comes flying open right in your face..that's probably the Lord. Granted, there's a chance that is the Prince of Darkness. But, if the deed was on your heart and the only thing stopping you is doubt, then, it's probably not the Devil.
Proverbs is in the OLD Testament, we want something in the New Testament oh crazy blogger! Oh you want some NT huh? Well how about John 14:26 where Jesus tells us a HUGGEEE secret! "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." (It's the words of Jesus so it has to be in red right!?
Quick Historical Break...The context of this is Jesus talking to his disciples right before he ascended into heaven. Here he is promising that we will have a map placed on our hearts to direct us and that map is from God. A couple of verse prior to this, he tells them that they will do "greater deeds" that He, the Prince of Peace, did.
Sooo, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us! That famous gut feeling that you always get right before any decision? Yea! That can be the Holy Spirit telling you something! You just have to discern whether or not its the Spirit. But don't let fear stop you any longer from doing anything! Do let doubt of the unknown hinder God's blessing for your life any longer! Do what you gotta do! In Joshua 1:9, God makes a command to us. "Have I not commanded you? (see! haha) Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Let's go out and grab fear by the horns! Let's go change the world! Let's go take that risk! Lets...go...ask that girl out...ehhh...we'll see about that. Haha.
Ima leave you with a quote from a great woman that goes by the name of Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962). Thus saith Madame Roosevelt:
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."
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