Monday, September 24, 2012

I Understand (Answers)

This post is part two from my previous post titled "I See You."  I would advise you to open two tabs and read each story simultaneously to  understand because this post is going to be the "answer" to the stories. The response that God says.  The response that the Bible tells us.  In the long run, my prayer is that someone is reading this that is going through a situation and one of these responses make them feel at least a little better...thats my prayer...

     My son, why have you done this to your life?  Are you looking for something more?  Are you looking for answers?  I want you to realize that I'm hear.  I've been hear all along.  I've watched you tear your life apart. But I've also watched you succeed.  I've watched Satan just trample over your life, but I never let go of you.  I am what you need.  Humans are consistently looking for something...something greater than themselves when in reality, it's right in front of their face.  Look around..look at the sun, the stars (unless you are ina city), the cars...Just look at it.  I just need you to trust me.  Trust that I'm there for you.  Here's the thing, I won't make you trust me just like I'm not going to make you stop drinking.
     Realize my son, that you have people praying for you.  You mother, your father...everyone!  They love you to death...they just don't want you to see you hurt yourself.  You just have to honestly, believe in your heart you can beat this because you can.  I've made you stronger than any addiction!  I'm not promising that you will quit cold turkey cuz everybody can't. However, I can assure you, you are starting at the right spot: calling out to me for help.  I hear your call, and I will happily respond.  You just have to believe!

     My daughter, no woman should have to go through what you went through.  No woman deserves it.  What your father did tore you down, down to the ground.  But let me pick you back up.

The problem that humanity has is that too often they define fatherhood and then place God in their definition.  They place God ina humanly context.  But it should definitely be the other way around.  God is the Great I Am.  He defines the perfect parent (mother and father). He's ever present, loving, caring, wise...etc. So we as humans err big time when we place God in that box.  

     I can promise you that I am greater than your father.  I can promise you that I will never hurt your like your father.  I sent my only begotten son to die for you.  If I did that, why would I ever want anything else to happen to you? I love you. One thing you have to do, is you have to have to forgive your father for what he did.  You want to know why?  Because it wasn't his doing.  Humans by nature do wrong, they miss they mark, you miss the mark on a daily basis.  PLease don't hold his sinful nature against him. (Romans 3:23)  Don't forgive him for his sake, you have to forgive him for your sake.  Can't let that woud fester.  Once you forgive him...the devil won't have that lock over your heart...that spot over your heart, you'll be able to trust again.
     Forgiveness is the healing to those wounds. (You've Got To sermon)  Just remember this promise: I will love you and hold you better than any father...better than any just have to let me...

     My little girl what has you troubled so much? When I look down on you and see what you've become I can do nothing but smile.  You've made your mistakes, you feel like you've made the biggest mistakes ever but trust me you havent.  You may feel alone, you may feel like no one understands but you are mistaken.  Veryyy mistaken.  I am here!  I'm want you.  I love you!  You ask me about my grace and my love.  Let me tell you this, My grace is made sufficient for you, my power is perfected in your weakness. (2 Cor. 12:9)  Often times I let my children his rock bottom, let them follow their own paths, fall at their own feet. But I never leave them there.  I'm right there to pick them up.  It's at those moments that they realize that I'm there, that I was always there.
     You may think your family doesn't care, that's not true.  You may think that they abandoned you.  But thats not true.  Many of the situations they just don't know what to do.  So they just do what they think is the best...that doesn't always feel like what they did is the best for you.  But just remember that their love probably didn't just evaporate...they want to love you..they just don't know how to.  Help them understand your pain...pray for them.   I do not condemn you.  I accept you scars, tears, and all.  Let me love you little girl...let me love YOU.

My son, my son, my son.  Fathers leaving their kids is an egregious act of selfishness.  You might relate to my son Jesus who exclaimed out while he was being crucified: "My God my God, why have you forsaken me." (Matt 27:46)  I mean, I left him there to die on the cross.  Just for sinful humans.  I mean that was naive.  I'm sure that there aren't many human would do that, but I'm God.  Look at what I said to the abused daughter.  Please don't define me by humanly standards.  Think about what you look for in a father and multiply that by a thousand and that still isn't enough to express what I can be to you.
     You want confirmation?  How about the greatest confirmation...How about when your time on this life is done when I will tell you "Well done"  Well done my son. (Matt. 25:21)  You just have to trust me.  I know it's kinda hard to believe..just give me a try.  If it helps envision me as a mother.  I'm everywhere you want me to be and I'm everything you need me to be.  Real Rap.

     You are a little different  You are in a different situation.  You want to help others.  You are the one praying for your mom.  It seems that your brother's untimely death just blind sided your mom.  She's afraid to lose you.  She drinks because she doesn't know what else to do.. She doesn't know how to grieve.  But my daughter, I'm right there walking along side of her.  You've come to the right place!      
    You've turned to the right direction.  Something like this however, she won't be able to fix herself.  She's going to need help.  She's going to have to accept her issues...her problems.  But for you, you have to grow up.  You have to experience life.  No parent initially wants to see their child leave the house in reality.  It's a scary thing, but eventually she'll manage.  It's like weening an infant from a bottle.  The difference is that you are still around.  You are only a Skype call away.  That's the beauty of it.  She probably won't want you to leave right away, but sometimes you have to take the initiative and go out on a limb and trust God to take care of her as well as yourself.  I have your back!  Just trust me.

So that's the end of this series.  If you have any questions or comments feel free to comment on it.  This post is just trying to help someone...anyone.   The most important thing we need to do brothers and sisters is pray for our family members that are hurting.  Because, the prayers from righteous people works! (James 5:16)

God Bless All My readers.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I See You (The Stories)

I see you....young man.  You've come from a pretty privileged lifestyle.  You've never experienced a truly rough moment in your life financially.  You've now grown up and have your own job, your own life, your own career...your own money.  Life is good.  You somehow thought that money would make you happy.  I mean it seemingly made your parents happy all their lives right?  But for you, you was looking for something more...You have even more money than you can spend.  But you need something more.  So you turn to alcohol...then drugs.  Eventually you find yourself so caught up in a cycle of addiction that you start getting angry. Angry at God for allowing this to happen.  "God, if you make me stop drinking I promise I'll serve you forever."  But it hasn't happened...Why hasn't it happened.

I see you woman.  Your dad abused you when you was younger.  Not only did he abuse you sexually, but verbally and physically as well.  Before high school he could be described as an absentee but present father.  He was working all the time.  Never reaching out to talk to you, to teach you about his love.  Never to appreciate you.  But now little girl has all grown up into her high school body, and now he's no longer an absentee but present father.  He's an always present, always thirsty man.  A man of authority in your life that made you do horrendous things.  Things that you'll never forget forever.  It haunts you that you can still remember these things.  "Why did this happen to me!"  You fall in a cycle of clinical depression that drives you up the walls.  You have a hard time trusting any man in your life so why would you trust God the Father...why?? What hope is out there...

I see you...Scared little girl, that's entering this big scary world.  With no direction.  With no hope. With no support.  I mean there is direction and hope but you don't see it.  You have loving parents.  You have a family that has done everything to prove their love to you in the past.  But now you've grown up.  Made some mistakes you regret, and now you have to live with them.  You feel like everyone has turned their back on you.  Those close to you act like they still love you, but do they really?  Do they really care about you?  Cuz if they did, they wouldn't have abandoned you at your weakest your weakest moment.  Then you turn to God, and you question Him...."How could you let this happen.  I've heard stories about your love and your grace but how could you let this happen to me!"....So you continue through life....

I see you bro.  All your life you wanted to have confirmation.  Confirmation that what you was doing was the right thing.  Confirmation that you was good at sports.  Alll you wanted to hear was the man in your life say: "good job son."  But you never heard it....And you grew up hating your dad for it.  You didn't grow up with a had a mom.  And sure, your mom tried, God bless her soul she tried and did an excellent job filling that void...but it just wasn't enough.  You go through your life angry at the world.  Angry at everything.  You've learned to turn that anger into productivity, but that anger still resides in you.  You reach out to other "Father" figures, but its not the same.  And now you here a preacher to tell you to call God your Father.  Are you kidding me???  Trust God, whom you've never met before.  Nah man, you trippin....

I finally see you girl.  You grew up with a single parent.  And for he most part you are fine with it.  But there's a kicker to it.  Your mom is an alcoholic and extremely possessive.  There were two of you, but your bother died when you was younger and ever since then, she hasn't been the same.  She doesn't want you to go off to college.  She doesn't want you to grow up and leave her.  She's afraid of losing you...afraid of being alone.  So she guilts you into staying.  She makes you stay.  But you know that you have to get out.  You have to leave.  You've been out of college for a while and you see your friends moving on in life.  Jesus, why won't you just cure her of her loneliness and help her let me go.  It drives me crazy with her mood swings due to the alcohol.  I can't keep living like this!  I'm calling on you to help my mom.  Will you help her...please???? I pray for all the time.

These are just the stories that you may or may not be able to relate to.  I don't expect anyone to relate to any of these stories 100% but I expect most people to relate to some aspect of the stores.  This blog is about what I see, through my humanly, finite eyes.  The next blog post is going to be my attempt to describe what God sees and how God wants to help.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Football Injuries

I'm afraid.  I'm can't front.  I'm scared to death.  I can't be on of those people, one of those people on stage, one of those people writing blogs, one of those people that just seem to have all the answers.  That seems to coast in life.  That has that strong shoulder to lean on.  Sometimes, I gotta get vulnerable. Sometimes I just..gotta be honest.

My future...what's going through my head can be summed up in one word: Doubt.  In football, when a player gets injured the team is required to post their injury and their status for the upcoming game.  There are four choices the coaches have: Probable,  Questionable, Doubtful, or Out.  The Probable status is understood to opposing players/coaches as to say that the player has a 75% chance of playing.  For each category, the chance of the player goes down 25% (Questionable = 50%; Doubtful = 25%, Out = 0%).  Basically, if you are a couch, and a player has anything under a probable....maybe a questionable, you assume that they aren't going to play.

Why am I bringing up football injury talk.  Well that's bascially how my brain has been envisioning my future since November.  In November I was sure...ABSOLUTELY sure thatt I was going to go to Law School, pass the Bar and become a lawyer.  But once December came in and I had my little tête-à-tête with Abba, my confidence in my future became a probable.  I knew that I now wanted to be a Pastor, I didn't necessarily know any of the critical details, but I knew what I wanted to be in the long run...a Minister of the Gospel.

Then came the Spring Semester of my Senior Year at college.  Mine eyes were illuminated to more than one thing but with that illumination came more messyness.  I started to learn more about the "profession" that I was gonna embark on.  The training I would need...The struggles of those in said "profession."  The questions...the uncertainty about being in the ministry because lets be real, what are the chances of me being the next Pastor Woody Dalton let alone the next Bishop TD Jakes...not veryyy high.  So I had to think of a way to make money...Enter PARALEGAL.  But that made my situation even more messy cuz now I had to get even more training.  So, I went from going to school for 3 years, getting my JD (Law Degree) and working on being a lawyer, to getting my Paralegal Certification & Master's of Divinity.  Yeah....the success of my future had now moved to the Questionable Phase.

Now, I've finished the summer (basically).  Finished with my internship at Harrisburg BIC Church (which I highly recommend for those in the area).  Came out with soo much more knowledge about Pastoring and what it really means to be in the Ministry.  Had a plan to take a Semester off and go to Seminary (PBU possibly) in the Spring and just chill in the fall/winter.  Welllll lets just say unforseeable, but great, circumstances have slightly altered my plans....DOubt.

And here I am, in High School my stress outlet was competitive Golf.  In college my stress outlet was choir, more specifically Directing Choirs.  And now I have lost all of it.  I feel like a college graduate...a college graduate that lives with his parents...A college graduate without a job....A college graduate that quickly loses money because of debt....A colllege graduate that can no longer express himself...A college graduate that has lost his stress reliever...A college graduate that feels like a bum.

At moments like these, I can't help but to doubt.  To question.  To think about whether their really is a plan for my life. Am I just aimlessly wandering around this life wasting each day changing plans...What the heck am I supposed to do? I'm reading all the "good" books, I'm talking all the "good" talks.  But I'm still wandering...I mean reallly God!  You said you have my back!  You said that you have a plan for my life (Jeremiah 29:11) ...But I see all my friends being successful.  Having jobs lined up.  Having lives.  Having money.  Moving away from their parental units homes (no offense to my house).  And here I am...doing nothing!  I am worthless.  Unworthy of the gifts you gave me.  I'm just wasting them! AJDNMFHSM,MD!

But it's at that moment...The moment that I had shut down my computer at 1 AM on Sept. 4, 2012, that I heard a still small voice in my ear saying: "I got this." My God!  I'd just gotten finished reading about when Jacob wrestled with God and told Him: "I will not let go until you bless me." (Genesis 32:26)  And at that point, God blessed him.  I'm reminded that God comes in right at the right time.  That realization was sooo amazing that I had to Boot up my comp again and just blog about it.  Honestly, I don't know how many people are going to read this, but I'm encouraged!

Don't get me wrong my peoples, I still have doubts.  To be completely honest, my life is still in the Doubtful status.  The nights are still going to come, but in the morning, I'll be ok.  Why?  Because I know that it'll never reach the Out status until my life on this earth is done.  I'm not going to give up.  I'm going to Press toward that Mark.  Ima keep trugging (Yes, I just made up that word.) forward.  Trusting God.  Knowing that I got put in these weird situations.  But I am embracing these situations.  Besides it isn't all bad, I got a family that supports me, AND I have a lady in my life that has my back.

That plus God over all of them being my North Star.  I'm golden!