Monday, November 7, 2011


I just had an epiphany.  I've been writing about the whole "woe is me" narrative to the point that I'm tired of it.  I haven't really been relaying it to people cuz I'm tired of it.  Why do we, as Christians, constantly try to keep everything in control?  Because it feels safe.  The problem is that this "safe" feeling is only temporary because every good thing comes to an end.  And when it comes to an end we all try to do 2 things: Run to God and/or Run to our friends/Family (humans).  Do we typically remember to praise God during the happy times?  Do we typically remember to thank Him for all he is doing during those happy times?  Maybe if we did, when the storms come and go (best believe they will go!) we wouldn't be so shaken.  Maybe its just me but being sad and down is time consuming and exhausting!  Not only are you exhausting yourself but also the people you go to.  So I'm determined.  Determined to not let the little things bother me.  I will not only Praise You in the Storm, but I will praise You in the good times.  I need to trust that You have my best interests and that You know more than I.  It's a hard thing to do...ya let go and let God.  But it has to be done. 

Ahhh I love these moments.  Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me.  I'll never understand why you did it but I am thankful that you did.

That's all for now.