Sunday, October 28, 2012

God Is Good!

I'm going to try something here that I don't know whether it's going to work or not.  I'm going to post the 3 reasons that I love Jesus.

And I want to see how many different responses we can get.  So for any of my readers, I invite you to comment on the bottom of this posting and post your reasons you love Jesus.

Despite the fact that this might be a dark and rainy time in your life there are still sooo many things to be happy about.  Sometimes we need to force ourselves to look at the positives when our life for the moment is filled with gloom.

I would like for anyone that is reading this blog that might feel down to be able to view this post and look at how mich people have been blessed and have no choice but to put a smile on their face!  Awwww man that would make my day!

1. I am just thankful that He gave me a life to live.  A life where I have the freedom to make mistakes, have failures, and learn from them.  Because I know personally, if I was forced to follow Him, I definitely wouldn't have.  So I'm just in love with his ability to love an imperfect being like myself.

2. This man, lived a sinless life, went up on the cross for me....for everyone, died a humiliting and excruitiang death.  I mean come on.  That should speak for itself.  Took on the depths of Hell.  Wow.  He deserves all my praise.  He deserves all my love.  Thank you Jesus for dying, coming back to life, ascending to heaven, and coming back.

3. He's the ultimate Comforter.  He's there when I always need him.  When my close friends are miles away or are just busy with their lives and I need someone to talk to, I always have him.  He's omnipresent.  Everywhere at all times.  24/7 365/yr.  When I don't feel the best about my appearance, dealing with self-esteem issues, uncertain about life, or just angry.  I know that I can go to God in prayer and I will be comforted

I know this is a weird blog with no guarantee to work, but lets give it a try!  It doesn't have to be 3 reasons like me.  It can just be one!  Lets be a blessing to others!  

Love God.Love People


  1. 1. Because God loved me enough to present the Trinity where his son Jesus died for me and then GOT UP with all power so that I can walk the Earth with a certain Dominion and Abundant Life.

    2. For making me the way I am; My personality, my talents, my dreams, my life experiences!

    3. Because He will never leave me so that means I don't have to worry about anything because I have the assurance of the Divine Companion!

  2. He's a provider- There have been many instances where I needed money for school and I'm an out of state student so tuition is high ( or should I say more expensive because most people's tuition is high). We (my family) haven't always known where the money would come from but I know he's able! I'm in my third year of college now and I'm making it. With my savior of course.

    His word is helpful in my time of weakness. The devil is always attacking me at my weakest moments but the scripture that I know, his truth sets me free from all the devil could ever attack me with.

  3. 1.) I love Jesus, because He first love me. Even when I was, and sometimes still am a sinner, He loved me. 2.) He spared me from death. The power of his Blood covers all of my transgressions and atones for my own evils. He shed his blood, the precious Lamb of God, just so I can live. 3. He is almighty. I just love that he rules everything. (even when it seems like he doesn't. I mean, our human eyes can't see what he is doing.) His power is so supreme. It would be different if he wasn't all good, but he is incorruptible. I can trust the Lord.

    That's my three. I can go on all day. lol
