Especially men. Men...(especially but not limited to)black men are some of the most prideful beings you will ever meet (generally speaking of course). We want to be supporters for our women, protectors, and providers, and when we aren't able to support them, it tears us apart inside. It's like we lost part of our manliness. One of the major problems with pride is that it makes us delicate. I guarantee to you, the more prideful the man is, the more he hurts when he feels like he lost some of his manliness. The bigger the pride, the harder they fall. Now I'm a believer that God knew what he was doing when he created us, so naturally, he made out significant others compliment us. For the most part, opposites attract.
Thankfully, with all these prideful men going around, God made the woman...the strong woman. Women, you are stronger than you ever imagined. Just the natural pains you go through monthly, the pain of waking up in the morning and spending a long time with your body, the pain of how you dress sometimes killing your feet. I have nothing but PROFOUND respect for women. I don't know how you handle childbirth...I can't imagine doing that! AND on top of that, you deal with us men. Us prideful men that, to be completely honest can act like babies quite easily. Sometimes our significant other end up becoming more like our mothers (which is a hugeeee issue by the way) and our wives/girlfriends at the same time! Amazing! For me a woman is the only being, capable of making me go to my knee to ask a question. To put it simple, women: you are our weakness.
It's no wonder why the number of womanizers compared to the manizers is disproportionate. We want ya'll...we NEED ya'll. Don't lose faith in us. When you have a man that is proving to you that he's trying to become a better man, whether its "of God" or not, try to stay a little longer. The importance is that the man feels like its worth it...that you are worth it. Never forget that!
But to my brothas, I need to be real with you. We need to step up. Pride comes before the fall remember? (Proverbs 16:18) We need to be willing to stop feeling like we need to be Superman. It's ok to be Clark Kent! No one will look down on you for making less money than your woman. No one will look down on you unless you let them. Love your woman, love your mate, love your best friend. If you are in a serious relationship and you trust your lady, don't keep shutting her out. (Ohhh boy do I need to hear that!) Be open and honest with her. The amazing thing is that women have this power..this switch in their brain, where they automatically become Super-Woman...but also they, can become Miss. Delicate, Compassionate. AND DON'T...I MEAN DONT, take advantage of her. Whether that means cheating on her, abusing her, whatever-ing her. This is God's daughter...God's princess...treat her like it!
I didn't forget you my queens. You need to stay by your man! Encourage him. Even when times get rough. If you love him, and care about him, and he's trying..stay with him. Stay with him until you feel like you can't stay with him any longer...and then stay with him. I told you, we are delicate beings. We don't like being told we were wrong, but we need to be told. Choose your moments to be delicate and choose your moments to be strong and pushy (not in the bad way). You'd be surprised how much your words mean to us.
I'm just a young, Christian, black man that just got out of college giving my point of view. I love...looooveeee.....looooooooooove women. You are just sooo interesting!
Now a couple of disclaimers:
- I am writing from a heterosexual man's perspective since I am a heterosexual man. Therefore, I will be focusing on a man-woman relationship because that's where my "expertise" is in. I am by no means homophobic, I'd just rather not try to talk about something I don't really know.
- I am generally speaking in this blog. There are exceptions to every rule where, say the man is the Strong/Delicate one and the woman is the prideful one. In that case, just reverse everything; where I said man put woman and visa-versa.
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