Calling all Christians! Stand up! Not Xtians, not christians, but Christians! Oh you are standing? I see you but I don't see you. That's the problem. We have a lot christians but no Christians. But I mean, what does it mean to be a Christian? What does it mean to be a Christ-follower? Does that mean I have to go to church? Does that mean I have to be good/nice? Sure, those things are nice, but there is an easier way to answer that: to be a Christian is to do simply one thing: to love.
I'm getting sick and tired of these "christians" out there. If you allow me to speak bluntly, I'm tired of these people that say they are following the Lord's name, but aren't showing it. Yes, Faith (belief) is what saves us. (Romans 5:1) Yes, it really is that simple. But when we believe in Jesus, when we follow him, we no longer bear our selves anymore. We take on the name, the reputation of our Messiah. And let me tell you, we have abused that privilege. It is a true fact that we all have sinned. It is a fact that we are all going to continue to sin. But, there should be something different about you. There should be something different about you. How you walk, talk, not sulk (you like that?) people should see something in you.
But seriously, what does it mean to be a Christian? It means to love. To do everything in love. Not lust, not anger, not spite, not hate, but love. Why? Because love never fails. I'm tired of us that take advantage of the act that God did for us. Let's go away from what he did personally in our lives. But, have you ever stopped to think the magnitude of what the Lord did? Wow. God gave his only begotten son to not only die, but be crucified. Which, at that time was the pinnacle, the worst death that could be given. It's a slow, and agonizing public death. And the only thing, God asked for, is for us to love. Love God and love people. (Luke 10:25-28)
Why is that so hard? I want to hate you. I want you to pay for what you did to me. What you did hurt me. It scarred me for life! But I can't....If I do, I lose. I lose by hurting myself and hurting those around me. It's easy to hate, it's incredibly difficult to love. I'm that man in the mirror. I'm that man that doesn't show God's grace, God's compassion in my everyday life. I'm that christian. And I'm sick and tired of it.
We did nothing, absolutely nothing, to deserve God's grace. The wages (earnings) of sin (aka us) is DEATH (Romans 6:23). Why aren't we living like we believe in that verse! When i see my brotha or sista hurting, I should not hesitate at all to help him/her. But I do. Because I'm selfish. I only care about myself. If I expend all my energy helping you, I'll have nothing left for myself.
My Christians, we need to get serious. This is a wake-up call! Stop taking this gift for granted. We say we follow Christ, but do we really? When someone trashes our reputation, do we turn the other cheek? Are we trusting God will provide thus not envying our neighbor?
In reality, people should be able to tell you are a Christian without knowing your full name. In reality, they don't. Too many of us christians, are doing the exact opposite of what Jesus told us. We are talking bad about our bosses, spreading rumors about our exes, trying to get with every pretty thing that moves on this earth with lust. Come on people!
Yes, I do believe in the Triune God: God the Father, Son, Holy Ghost are all God. Yes I believe that Jesus lived on this earth, was crucified, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and is coming back again. But people don't see what I believe. My friends, actions do indeed speak louder than words. In all things, I'm supposed to do in love.
One knock on Christians is that we are hypocrites. And you know what, we absolutely are. I am a hypocrite, I do believe that I should love all people, but I fail to do so. I do believe that sex should be after marriage, but I personally failed to do so. I do believe that Jesus is coming back again, but I fail to act like it. But, the difference between me and an unbeliever is that I'm redeemed. Yes, I fell. I fell, I fell, and I will continue to fall, but every single time I will get back up. I'm keeping mine eyes on the mark. And I won't stop until I get there. So, I'm not running away from that tag. I am a hypocrite. I will continue to be a hypocrite, but hopefully, over time, I will become a loving hypocrite.
With that being said:
Parents, It's time to start loving your kids. Men it's time to start appreciating the fairer gender! Women, its time to start loving your men! It's time for the real Christians to stand up! Take your spot in the world. Let Jesus shine in your hearts. Let the Gospel ooze from your pores. Let the great commandment flow in your veins so that when you donate your blood, the reciever will jump up for joy because he/she felt Jesus' love in your blood! (A lil too much? Ook)
But in all seriousness, we, Christians need to take our place in society. We need to stand up and show the unbelievers what true love is. No disrespect to my non-Christian readers. But I really do believe that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life (John 14:6). So, I better live like I believe it, ya heard me!
this is some powerfeul hard to stay postive...not hating...not feeling love....i just glad u wrote this blog....God Bless My Brother...