The crazy thing is that all, (and I mean ALL) of are sins have been forgiven. Paul beautiful articulates it in Colossians 2:13-14.
"And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross." (ESV - emphasis mine)Some translations, like the ESV, will use the word trespasses while others use the word "sin." Irregardless, the point I want to emphasize is the past participle used in this verse. Notice that it doesn't say that are sins are being forgiven now or in the present. No, our sins have been forgiven. Not only that, but ALL of our sins have been forgiven.
The word sin comes from the greek word hamartia which literally means to "miss the mark." So anytime we sin, it plainly means that we have an end goal (whether we realize it or not) and we often miss that mark, thus we sin. The absolute amazing thing is that the sins we commit unconsciously or even intentionally have been forgiven when Jesus was nailed to the cross. I'm not saying that there isn't power in repenting and confessing our sins because that's for another blog, but I am saying that, Grace is found here. No matter what you have done, knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or unintentionally, has been forgiven! WHAT!?
I'm not here to put down any other religions/beliefs but that to me, is what makes Jesus the Christ so unique. I don't have to do anything but believe in my heart that he lived, was killed, most importantly, was raised from the dead, and is coming back. That's it!
There is a danger point however, it's that people abuse the "Grace Card." But, that's for another blog.
For now, I just want you to realize the freedom you have in Jesus. Not some, not most, not a bunch, but all of your sins have been forgiven. You just have to believe. That's all it takes. All the grace in the world is found here. There is more than enough grace to go around for everyone.
For my unbelieving readers: What are you waiting for?
For my already-belieing readers: Isn't that notion amazing? Sometimes I need to get a reminder of how awesome my God is and I hope it helps you out wherever you are right now.
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