Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Let Em Uz Ya!

Abraham was a jolly old man, yet God used him to be the father of the world.
Moses had a speech impediment, yet God used him to deliver Israel.
David was a nobody, yet God used him to rule over millions.
Paul one of the greatest persecutors of Christians, yet God used him as one of the best advocates for Christianity.
Jesus was born ina manger, yet God used him to save sinners (aka everyone).

What does this tell us?

That no matter who you are, what your "issues" are; God can and will use you. The only question is: Are you holding yourself back?

Just take a quick look at me: I'm the Student Director of the United Voices of Praise (Messiah College's Gospel Choir), I'm the Director of Tapestry (Harrisburg BIC's Gospel Choir), I'm part of the select few planning the Baccalaureate coming, AND I'm planning on going to seminary next Spring.

Now, it may look like I'm boasting but hear me out, I'm not.  If you know anything about the real me, you would know that I am one of the most shy/reserved guys you will ever meet. I process just about everything and I am completely introverted. Most people don't believe me when I tell them that, but its the absolute truth.  It takes me forever at times to muster up the courage to do simple acts.  Granted, the older I've gotten, the better I've become at being outgoing, but all in all I'm just a shy introvert.

How does that make any sense? To be honest, I have no idea.  I joke and say that when a spotlight gets on me or when I get in front of people I become bi-polar and that outgoing manic, but once its gone, I just fade to the background.

The point is, if God can use little ol me, He can definitely use you.  You just gotta open up yourself and present your body as a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1).

So, as I borrow the phrase from my God-Brother Calvin that in english says: "Let Him Use Us" but in 'Calvin' it says: "Let Em Uz Ya!"

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