Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Let Em Uz Ya!

Abraham was a jolly old man, yet God used him to be the father of the world.
Moses had a speech impediment, yet God used him to deliver Israel.
David was a nobody, yet God used him to rule over millions.
Paul one of the greatest persecutors of Christians, yet God used him as one of the best advocates for Christianity.
Jesus was born ina manger, yet God used him to save sinners (aka everyone).

What does this tell us?

That no matter who you are, what your "issues" are; God can and will use you. The only question is: Are you holding yourself back?

Just take a quick look at me: I'm the Student Director of the United Voices of Praise (Messiah College's Gospel Choir), I'm the Director of Tapestry (Harrisburg BIC's Gospel Choir), I'm part of the select few planning the Baccalaureate coming, AND I'm planning on going to seminary next Spring.

Now, it may look like I'm boasting but hear me out, I'm not.  If you know anything about the real me, you would know that I am one of the most shy/reserved guys you will ever meet. I process just about everything and I am completely introverted. Most people don't believe me when I tell them that, but its the absolute truth.  It takes me forever at times to muster up the courage to do simple acts.  Granted, the older I've gotten, the better I've become at being outgoing, but all in all I'm just a shy introvert.

How does that make any sense? To be honest, I have no idea.  I joke and say that when a spotlight gets on me or when I get in front of people I become bi-polar and that outgoing manic, but once its gone, I just fade to the background.

The point is, if God can use little ol me, He can definitely use you.  You just gotta open up yourself and present your body as a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1).

So, as I borrow the phrase from my God-Brother Calvin that in english says: "Let Him Use Us" but in 'Calvin' it says: "Let Em Uz Ya!"

Friday, March 16, 2012

Easy? Yea..Right

Matthew 10:22 Says:
"You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

You thought that when you dedicated your life to Christ that it would somehow become magically easy?  I mean it makes sense in theory: you dedicate your life to the Savior and He supplies all your needs and makes life easy...like the kid born with the silver spoon. Slight problem with that theory...Jesus wasn't who everyone expected him to be.  Everyone expected the "Messiah" to be a counterrevolutionary.  To over throw Caesar (the Roman Government) and to be fearless and ruthless. Well...Jesus entailed one of those characteristics, He was indeed fearless, but he was the complete opposite.  He was loving and cared for those that others persecuted.  Isn't that more reputable in the long run than the violent heroes? Due to his loving nature, no one could tear him down when at least they tortured Him, placed him ona cross ontop of a mountain, placed nails in his limbs and a crown a thorns on his head and left him to die.  It wasn't a quick death...it was a slowly slow death where one by one each organ started to die.  They say we have ten pints of blood, well just imagine the pain of each ounce of blood lost due to the piercings...what a death!

Because of that death of Jesus we cannot expect our life to be easy.  We are in fact misfits...we don't fit in in this world. We are like Katy Perry's ETs.  Chances are, most of us aren't going to become martyrs to the extent that Jesus was but we, as Christians will be hated just as they hated our Savior.
So, why would you want to be a Christian? One word: salvation.  The only thing we have as Christians is faith.  Without it, we are dead.  We have the faith that this fallen world will be changed when God calls all his saints to heaven where we will bask in his glory.

Besides, it won't be all bad.  The bible reminds us that trouble doesn't last always (Romans 8:18). Jesus makes a promise to us in the verse at the top of this blog..that those that stand firm in the end will be saved.  I fully believe every word he says.  Emotions and problems are temporary...they will all wither away but we have the Prince of Peace on our side and as the songwriter wrote: If I God is for us; then who could ever stop us. And If our God is with us; then what can stand against [us].
If you are going through something (which everyone is) just remember that God didn't promise that this was going to be easy.  In fact he was "real" with us and told us its going to be hard. However, just as the Lionel Richie song states: "Jesus is Love." The devil is the Prince of Darkness and he wants nothing more to rip, tear us, and destroy us.  But as long as you got King Jesus...you don't need nobody else. Just keep believing and keep the faith...cuz it's the only thing we have... 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is Your Purpose?

We go to grade school to learn how to count, to learn basic civic stuff...to basically get educated on a human level.
Then we go to high school where our identities are challenged, questions are really beginning to form in our heads, and most of us come out more confused than ever while in the process trying on many different "masks" only to find out that not one truly fits.
Then we go to 'higher education' where we travel through it and by the time we finish, its like we are a small fish in a huge aquarium called life.
This whole process is supposed to teach us one thing: our purpose in life.

So I ask the question: What is your purposed in life?  What is that gift that God gave you that makes you unique, that makes you different from everyone else.  We are all created in the image of God (don't believe me read Genesis 1-5) but it's also mentioned that we all have specific roles or tasks that will further the kingdom.

Romans 12:4-8 says:
4 For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

Everyone is useful in the advancement in the kingdom of the Lord.  I don't want ANYONE to ever feel unloved or just a waste of time/space/energy.  

I have a firm belief that one of the reasons I was put on the earth was to help the hurting in Spirit.  To help the broken hearted.  To help those that just needs that word of encouragement or just someone to listen.  I hurt for those that hurt but I also rejoice for those that rejoice.  My heart is glad when I see someone succeed especially when I know they travailed through the depths of whatever Hell they were in and they came out SUCESSFUL!

My journey, the people I have encountered and helped has affirmed this call in my life.  I'm not saying that this is the only thing I'm called to do, but it's a huge part.  So I challenge whomever is reading this to find one of your purposes in this world.  Every fish is NECESSARY in this Big Ocean called Life. Do you have a knack for helping people? Encouraging People? Listening To People? Advising People? Mentoring People? Teaching People? Loving People? Showing Mercy on People? ________________ for people?

For Each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ, we, through many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

What A Friend We Have...

I know who you are...you are struggling with low self-esteem...you are struggling with depression...you are just struggling with the concept of love. Well, can I let you in on a little secret. There is someone I know that can be there for you 24/7, that will love you more than any man ever could, that can understand you better than any woman ever could...His name my friends is Jesus.  No matter what you are going through just know that You have a friend in Jesus.

Even in those nights when you are crying because you are all alone...you have a friend in Jesus.

Even in those moment that you feel like no one cares...you have a friend in Jesus

Even in those times that you are going through a living hell and you think no one can understand you...you have a friend in Jesus.

Even in those nights when you can't stop the tears from falling down your face because of what HE did...still, you have a friend in Jesus

Psalm 34:18 says: The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit.
Am I bowling down your lane? At this point in your life do you feel hopeless? Crushed? Abused? Unloved? Unappreciated? And just all out down? Well I'm here to encourage you to just go to God in prayer and I PROMISE you this: your prayers will be heard. Surrender yourselves friends and be healed...

Sunday, March 4, 2012


It's been a lil while since I posted on here but sooo many things in my life has changed and mine eyes have just been amazingly illuminated and all I can say now is: GOD IS SOOO GOOD!  I've developed a closer relationship with two of my brothers in Christ, I think I'm finally getting a grip on my biggest temptation in life, and I'm realizing things about me that I never thought I would've known.

Now don't get me wrong, last this February was probably one of the craziest & most dramatic months I've ever lived in and there was alot of drama, but in the end, it was all worth it.  I figured out how much I could take through life and life dealt me a lot but I smashed that curveball for a home run using the bat of God's grace.  Hallelujah!

I realized also, that my greatest strength is also my greatest weakness.  I was trapped in this cycle that I couldn't get out of, but I think I finally put a strangle hold on it.  There was a school dance today, and I felt nothing and it was AMAZING! (yea I know that that probably makes no sense but that's ok)  I pretty much hung out with my bro the entire time, so no distractions and no temptations.  I believe that I can really prosper with the Lord on my side.  The song writer said: "Where do you stand?/Who's on the Lord's side/I'm on/The Lord's/Side!"  That's my testimony for tonight.

I want to encourage anyone out there: no matter what you are going through, no matter what issues you have, no matter what temptations you have, YOU CAN MAKE IT. IF you pray and be on the Lord's side.  I'm a living witness to the transforming process that God can put you through.  If you do choose to go to Jesus in prayer, you have to be fully committed, because it is going to get hard, but with the help of your friends and family, you can "get 'er done". Never Never Never Give Up!

Romans 12:2 (my favorite biblical chapter btw) says: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."