Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Keep it Up (Day 3)

Day 1: Sunday - Palm Sunday
Day 2: Monday
Day 4: Wednesday
Day 5: Thursday
Day 6: Friday - Good Friday
Day 7: Saturday
Day 8: Easter Sunday!

"Fight the good fight of the faith.  Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." - 1 Tim. 6:12 (ESV)

So we made it through Monday (which by many accounts is the worst day of the week).  However, often times Tuesday is just as bad as Monday!  It's on these where I need a little encouraging and not to many people outside of Jesus encoruage better than Paul.

In the verse above, Paul is encouraging his protege, Timothy, to keep it up.  Keep doing what he was doing.

I don't know about you, but it feels like the deeper/stronger I get in my faith, the more temptations I start to face; the more challenges I have spiritually and physically.  To all of my brothers and sisters that are just beginnning their faith jounrey, take a hold to God's unchanging hand because it's going to be a rollercoaster!

So it's always nice to have this reminder.  Fight the good fight of faith.  I love that language.  We are going to have to continuously fight, fight, and fight everyone.  Continue to be that light of the world.  Keep the faith!!

Day 3 reflection: As the week goes on, we are going to face more and more troubles which gives us more and more need to rely on God's power.  Just keeping fighting the good fight of faith.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday Comfort (Day 2)

Day 1: Sunday - Palm Sunday
Day 3: Tuesday
Day 4: Wednesday
Day 5: Thursday
Day 6: Friday - Good Friday
Day 7: Saturday
Day 8: Easter Sunday!

Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the world--like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden." - NLT

It's a Monday.  If you're not a morning person (and I'm not) Mondays can be the slowest point of the week.  Especially Monday mornings...

While my instincts want to complain and be grumpy that it's the beginning of a long long long (did I mention long) week, I'm taken-a-back by what Jesus says on the Sermon on the Mount.

We are the city on the hill.  We are supposed to be the light of the world.  We should be thankful and grateful that we have even woken up this morning.  There are people out there that did not wake up, that did not get the opportunity to bless someone else's day.  I mean come-on, there aren't too many better feelings than blessing others!

Every day just gives me another opportunity to do God's work and be the salt and light of the world.  So why am I grumpy about having to wake up at 6:40?  I have friends/co-workers that wake up at 5!

PLUS, I don't know about where you guys are waking up, but where I am, it's a ridiculously beautiful day.  "I got birds flying high, sun in the sky, breeze drifting on by...and I'm feeling GOOD."

Day 2 reflection: Work on becoming the salt of the earth and light of the world and be more appreciate with the fact that I've been giving another day to be God's workmanship.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Who Do We Think We Are? (Day 1 - Palm Sunday)

In an effort to get back to blogging on a semi-normal basis, I'm going to ATTEMPT to blog every day during the most important week in the Christian Calendar: Holy Week.

Day 1: TODAY - Palm Sunday
Day 2: Monday
Day 3: Tuesday
Day 4: Wednesday
Day 5: Thursday
Day 6: Friday - Good Friday
Day 7: Saturday
Day 8: Easter Sunday!

Matthew 21:9 - "The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is her who comes in the name of the Lord!"  Hosanna in the highest heaven!" - NIV

Jesus came into Jerusalem riding one of the humblest of animals: a donkey.

The King of kings, who could get anything he ever wanted came in one of the most humiliating ways.  Think about that for a second...

We come in with our degrees and expected lifestyle acting like people OWE us respect. We DESERVE respect because of who we are.  I mean don't you know who I am?

Don't you know who Jesus is!?  He came to serve.  Yea, he could've came on a white stallion but he didn't. Matthew 21:5.

That idea really makes you think.  Why do I do what I do?  Why am I a paralegal?  Why am I a person that tries to love others?  Is it because I want the recognition.  Because I want to get the respect that I feel like I deserve?  But wait...respect is the last thing I deserve.  So why am I constantly acting like I'm all that and a bag of skittles?  When my role model, my best friend, my savior, my GOD came here to serve.

Who do we think we are? to take the song title from Mr. John Legend.

Day 1 reflection:  Stop acting like I'm entitled to having respect; I should be doing what I'm doing because it's the right thing to do aka out of love.

I know who Jesus is and that's all he wants: love.